Monday, September 28, 1998

Dancing With The Dark

set up, a woman alone
isolated, targeted, marked
many advanced, one after another
annihilation operators
plotting to destroy, to bring me down
before truth came out, a brilliant revelation
through our story, the story of dybbuks in love
and one after another, at the sixth hekhal
they ignored the stop sign at the swamp door
to eden
and one after another, as chaos tasted lies
their heads were cut off iterating
their own doing, their own manipulation
calculations of lethal intent, to cripple and kill
and bodiless heads in swamp puddles dwelt
the mouths of the heads repeating over and over
like birds chirping some meaningless mantra
of sounds reflecting their beheading moment
in the terrifying place of the female force
dangerously dark, a night divine
where G-d doesn't control the angels

and you began to wonder
what it was all about
and to see truth as it is
and the untruth you were fed about me

and I began to wonder
what it was all about
and to see truth as it is
and the untruth I was fed to be

and the truth of that place is this, this
even trapped between heaven and hell
even as my heart broke
shattering into letters and words like fire
one fateful moment of destiny
betrayed the love in your eyes for me
so open them again and see
you are all I truly need


v'ahavta et adonai elohecha
b'chol l'vavcha uvchol nafsh'cha uvchol m'odecha

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